
Navigating TOTs, oral motor, and sensory-related feeding difficulties from infancy through childhood



Solving challenges with alert-state, attention, and self-control across the lifespan

Developmental Milestones

Helping children reach their gross and fine motor milestones for success in daily routines


Feeding should be an enjoyable experience for the entire family. However, for many families, feeding can become a time of stress and concern.  We want to help you make mealtime a time of connection and fun for you and your child.  Bloom OT and Wellness can help you navigate the following challenges related to feeding:

    • Pre-frenectomy support to help identify optimal timing of release
    • Post-frenectomy support to teach your baby how to use efficient oral-motor patterns for eating
    • Difficulty with breastfeeding or bottle feeding
    • Managing reflux or colic
    • Weaning to solids
    • Food selectivity and picky eating in toddlerhood and childhood


Infants and young children rely on caregiver support to remain regulated and to foster their social-emotional wellbeing. As children get older, they begin to learn how to use coping strategies and regulate themselves more independently.  We want to help you foster positive social-emotional and self-regulation skills in your child.  Bloom OT and Wellness can help you navigate the following challenges related to Co/Self-Regulation:

    • Fluctuations in infant alert-state
    • Managing meltdowns in a developmentally appropriate way
    • Supporting positive social-emotional skills at all ages
    • Difficulty with attention/sitting still
    • Sensory processing challenges

Developmental Milestones

The early childhood years are full of growth and development. With so many new skills to learn, children can sometimes use a little extra support.  Bloom OT and Wellness can help you navigate the following challenges related to developmental milestones:

    • Managing Torticollis/Plagiocephaly/Brachycephaly
    • Reaching early milestones (rolling, sitting, crawling, walking etc)
    • Supporting fine motor development
    • Improving self-help skills
    • Problem-solving handwriting difficulties
    • Strengthening visual motor skills